
winter, continued

It's cold again--fine by me. We have had torrents in warm weather when the breezes push up the Gulf moisture, then freezes but no snow to speak of. I have really enjoyed being out in all of it. I planted 60-80 persimmon seeds I picked up in Edwin Warner Park in a flat the other day, just an experiment to see if I can propagate them. They're sitting out in the cold, which they apparently must do until spring. I kinda got excited about this after watching a 'persimmon talk' with Dymple Green. Moses and I found an owl pellet on the walkway at the Richland Creek Greenway and followed a Red-bellied Woodpecker from tree to tree, hoping he would light close enough for a picture. Of course, he was just teasing me. Under this moss-covered rock I found an animal burrow. Probably a skunk but I have no idea really. I have smelled one out on the trails but I didn't smell anything in particular around the burrow, or see any fresh tracks.

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