
Parallel Festivals...

I have coined the term Parallel Festivals to describe what happens when you confine 80,000 people within 700 acres, while throwing in 150 amazing bands and fifty alternate activities without excluding the myriad pastimes that so many minds can invent from their imaginations, however altered those imaginations are. I could send you to the Bonnaroo website to peruse the photo galleries and the lineup, or Bonnaroo myspace to sample the artists, but you probably have already been there if you are reading this. I shall provide a fave list, but as I am no music critic I may not be able to adequately convey my wonder and delight. There are professionals who are so much more interesting to read, such as the clever David Carr (NYT) whose blog work was done purportedly without pay in order to attend with his wife Jill,with a Press Pass. I cannot say enough about his ability to be everywhere at once and write with humor and insight. That notwithstanding: Eddie Vedder remains a God. My Morning Jacket is on the way up, and definitely on mony's radar. Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings can get you shakin' yo' money maker. Alison Kraus and Robert Plant must be twins separated at birth, their voices blend so well. The Nashville Bluegrass Mafia is alive and well, still sputtering bad jokes. Metallica has a real sense of humor and continue to be a very good influence on young males (NOT!!!). Chris Rock rocks. MGMT is the next Bowie. Widespread Panic matures like a fine wine, within their own set. Death Cab for Cutie made mony yawn, as did O.A.R., probably because she is too old to appreciate them. Phil Lesh is the mayor of Bonnaroo. The Racconteurs are dangerous, pure trouble with a capital 'T'. In a very, very good way. Sick!! Orchestra Baobob shall now be featured on mony's lifetime sight list. I shall seek them out whenever possible, and hopefully get to see them half the number of times I got to see the Chieftans. And did I mention that Eddie Vedder is a God? Things I probably didn't need to see: So many abandoned panties. The full-butterfly-body-paint dude who covered his erection with a chartreuse bandanna. (It led to a circuitous, torturous mental argument about whether the bandanna served as a device to provide his audience with a bit of camouflage, or whether the bandanna perpetuated the rather incredible display. ) So much garbage left on the fields after the headliner acts. (Pathetic. Really.) The recycled water gushing at the top of the fountain which turned progressively browner each day. (With many small children led to play in same.) Graffiti on the V.I.P. side of the barrier wall that read 'Fuck Kanye'. (While I may have privately had a few seconds of that sentiment, it just somehow seems irrelevant to make a huge deal about it--like, hey, it's all about me!) Things of interest to Mony, many I just heard about secondhand. Why? Whatever!: The rainbow bridge along the walkway from Tent City where you could see the dealers selling everything from opium to nuggets, Molly to LSD. Why does that comfort me? The more things change, the more they remain the same. Sick!!! Shakedown Street where one could obtain three glass pipes for $10, and Bonnaroo t-shirts for the same. Little inflation on Shakedown Street--the competitive market is alive and well at Bonnaroo!! Those individuals who could pass out on the grass at a show and remain there for hours, oblivious to kicks, prods, shaking, and random objective discussions about whether or not they were breathing. Rain or dawn, rarely in the full sun--that would really be dangerous!) Damon and Shane call them 'carnage'. The Bonnaroo Hug cafe where a wide variety of hugs were on the menu. Karen reported getting a real bear hug from a big burly bear of a young man. Karen is a lady all about the hugs, believe me. Bonnaroo Food Drive and Clean Vibes Trading Post where you could exchange canned goods and recyclables for quality goodies. Damon gets the prize for taking full advantage and scoring some awesome posters. The Bonnaroo Silent Disco where you can either participate or view people with headphones on, listening and dancing to disco tunes. Jean said it was hilarious, and pointed it out to me when it was vacant. I think is is quite a clever idea. Things I was happy to witness: The giant Bob Marley stencil outside the recycle center which read, "You can't run away from yourself". Four dollar beers and lemonade, $5 pizza and $2.50 waters in Centeroo. (By contrast, Jean reports that beers are $6 at ACL.) The mounted posse riding through the campgrounds. Primary mission: to save us from ourselves. Sometimes you could pet the ponies. The Bonnaroo golf cart taxis, $5. Waking up to Radio Bonnaroo, courtesy each morning at 8:00 a.m., of Shane. Bonnaroo Carbon Shredders handing out Seventh Generation Products, such as coffee and toilet paper. The U.S. Postal Service Bonnaroo Station, made of recycled tires, straw, and mud. Photo by Christopher Berkley, New York Times. You would'a got a postcard, but you know how restrictive those Post Office hours can be...

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