

I've been reading about a 5-Minute Shower Challenge held by The Crunchy Domestic Goddess, to help raise awareness for water conservation, and the more controversial Ditch the Disposables Challenge to encourage getting rid of wasteful sanitary products. I don't know about that one. It's the Disposable Butt-Wipes Queen here. Takes me back to the days where, when trying to convince my teenagers that JMB's policy of putting a fifteen minute timer to limit their showers was not only sensible but actual do-able was met with outrage and near mutiny, I sent them to the Y to shower. But I digress. So I am thinking of how to challenge myself and you guys. What about the Don't Get in the Car Unless You Have At Least Two Errands Challenge (yeah, I guess getting to work and getting home from work count)? Or the ReUse-It Challenge, where you guys send me your ideas for re-utilizing a trash item? Or the How Many Times Can You Wash a Baggie Challenge? Wait, wait, I got it!! I am now conducting the Turn Your Trash Into Art Challenge. Go forth and create and send me your photos...can't wait to see what you come up with. Because there's just not enough beauty in the world.


Nazila Merati said...

Dude, I live my life that way. Every freaking day.

More on this later miss lisa.

Mony said...

and kudos to you!!
okay, I will give up the butt wipes

jared davidavich said...

these conservation techniques may seem radical to most of the country, but in the northwest, we've been doing them for years; i promise, they are all possible (except the re-use stuff challenge, gets a little odd/gross/inconvenient at times). short showers are easy...turn the water on, don't wait for it to get too crazy hot, wet yourself, turn the water off, soap, then rinse. and don't ask me 'what about conditioner?' you shouldn't use it every day anyway. and lights, turn lights off, it doesn't take much to turn them back on.

i would caution against the trash into art idea. i started popsicle stick sculptures one summer, and a week later i'd eaten so many popsicles, more than i ever would otherwise, that after two weeks my month's allowance was gone and i was in a sugar coma never wanting to see another popsicle stick again. more trash, less money, sick.

Mony said...

you crack me up

Mindful said...

is that YOU in that photo????

Mony said...

1989 passport photo

Emily said...

I have like a hundred bottle caps that I'm intending to turn into something. Been making my friends save them off every beer and bottled drink for a while now. I'm hoping the spread of colors will be enough that I can actuall portray a pattern or something.

Also, there wasn't a MUTINY. There wasn't any imminent danger of keelhauling.

Mony said...

just look at how your pull tabs were put to good use (on Party Girl and Ode to Budweiser)

I would've totally been keen on them for the ofrenda

mutiny was a strong word, I admit